November 15, 2022

Roaches Fell Race

Matt Govan reoports:
On Sunday a single MAC took on the Roaches Fell Race. A BL category race over 15.8 miles with 3800ft ascent.
The race starts in Meerbrook village before heading up and along the Roaches ridge then descends towards Gradbach Wood and along towards a river crossing and an ascent of Wildboarclough. Just before the halfway point there is a steep, sharp climb of Shutlingsloe to the trig before a return back to the start the way you came (out and back fell race – weird!) into Meerbrook village.
With five decent climbs my legs finally gave up around the 12 mile mark despite a disgusting amount of gels to try and find some energy.
I finished in 2hr 58mins in 62nd out of 148. Winning time was Jack Scott (Inov8) in 2hr 3mins and first lady was Miriam Jones Walters (Mercia) in 2hr 41mins.
Definitely recommend for next year, really good race with no major concerns about navigation which means you can just get on and enjoy the race. Great tea and cake to finish too!